How do I use the Retention report?

The Retention Report allows you to compare clinicians’ retention of new clients seen during a given time frame. Note the intake window excludes clients with recent intakes, given it’s not yet clear what their duration of care will be.

Get the most out of the Retention Report: 

  • Celebrate High Performers: Celebrate team members who are consistently retaining clients long term. Consider their retention rate when considering raises or bonuses. 
  • Prepare for Coaching Conversations: Meet with clinicians who are churning through intakes in fewer than 4 sessions. Offer strategies to help improve retention and set realistic goals. 
  • Invest in Training and Development:  Identify clinicians that may benefit from additional training or development to guide a retention improvement plan.  
  • Monitor Intake Historicals: Get a quick sense for how many intakes each of your clinicians has had in a given time frame

A few things to note: 

  • For accuracy, the intake window is shortened to exclude the number of weeks based on the number of sessions selected
  • Within Reports, the colors within the bar chart do not reflect performance thresholds and are solely used to differentiate between people