Metric Specific Questions

In the Retention Report, why isn’t the data pulled up through today?

This is intentional. We exclude a week for every session you set as your retention threshold to avoid instances where an intake may have just occurred and there wasn't sufficient time for a client to hit the retention threshold. This prevents the metrics from being negatively skewed. Notice the "i" bubble after the end date for additional explanation.

Can I customize the date range for retention?

Yes, you can change your timeframe filter on the Retention Report to view various date ranges, including 'Two Quarters Ago’ (intakes that occurred 6-9 months ago) or ‘Custom Range’ to set a more specific preference. 

Do Churn and Retention Rates include inactive/discharged clients, or only Active Clients?

Retention and Churn rates include everyone, regardless of whether their status is currently inactive or discharged.

Why does the completed session goal change with different time intervals I set? 

To give you the most precise number possible, we take the weekly goal for the clinician and divide it by 7 to get a daily value. We then take that daily value and multiply it by the number of days in the selected interval. The number changes because the intervals often have a different number of days.


Goal is set at 10/week. 

  • Calendar days: 10/7 = 1.429 sessions are expected per calendar day. 

Over the month of January:

  • Calendar days: 31 * 1.429 = 44.299 (rounded up to 45) sessions are expected

Over January 1-12

  • Calendar days: 12 * 1.429 = 17.148 (rounded up to 18) sessions are expected

The Year to Date goal is always updating based on how far we are in the year. The idea is to provide you with a sense of whether the clinician is  ahead of or behind where they should be on the day you're looking at it.

What type of cancels are included in Cancel Rate? 

Each clinician’s Cancel Rate is a combination of all Non-billable cancellations (those that the clinician canceled and those that the client canceled in advance that were not charged). These signify a lost opportunity for revenue. Billable cancels such as late cancels/no shows are not included, since there was still the potential for revenue to be generated through penalties and fees.

Where can I find Billable Cancels and what do these include?

On the Clinician Overview page, you can find billable canceled sessions included as the last row within the ‘Completed Sessions’ table for each Clinician. Billable cancels include late cancellations and no-shows.