Exploring the Clinician Overview

Clinician Metrics is where you’ll find a directory of all your clinicians and their key performance metrics. Group clinicians for comparison, or click through to see a deep dive on a single clinician.

Navigate Clinician Metrics with us:


Get the most out of Clinician Metrics page: 

  • Draw Quick Comparisons: Easily compare performance across all clinicians, or group by primary location or supervisor team for a quick read on how your team is performing. 
  • Identify & Celebrate Top Performers: Use the column sort features in the collapsed view to organize by top performers according to any metric. Find ways to celebrate or reward these people in your practice to help motivate and retain them.
  • Identify Areas to Intervene: Sort by metric to identify which clinicians are struggling in certain areas. These people may need additional coaching or training to help them make improvements.
  • Sort by Outstanding Notes: Quickly sort by Notes to see which team members are your biggest culprits in delayed note completion. 
  • Download & Share with Leadership: Download a full or partial set of clinician metric details to share with your leadership team at recurring intervals to build data-driven decision making and shared accountability. 

A few things to note: 

  • The “i” next to each metric provides a definition and thresholds based on industry standards.
  • The green, yellow, red cues help you quickly assess performance based on those thresholds.