Counting, Timeframes, and Intervals

Counting, Timeframes & Intervals

Is vacation time accounted for when viewing completed sessions and average sessions per week?

We're rebuilding this feature to handle some different scenarios. Stay tuned!

Is there an option to view metrics by week? 

Yes! On the Clinician Overview page, change your filter to a shorter time frame (i.e. this quarter) and you’ll see an option to select Week as an interval.

Is there an option to view metrics by pay period? 

This view is currently only available for customers who have a semi-monthly pay period. On the Clinician Overview page, change your filter to a shorter time frame (this quarter) and you’ll see an option to select Pay Period as an interval.  Note: Pay Periods may be different in each practice, and are set in onboarding.

What is considered a late cancellation?

The deadline for a cancelation depends on your practice’s policy. Most practices use a 24 or 48 hour deadline for clients to cancel, and if they are given less notice, the session is marked as a late cancelation.  In PV, late cancelations can be found under “completed sessions” as there is no lost revenue for the practice, but we can adjust how these sessions are “counted” for the clinician. 

Where can I see trends for my practice over time?

Within Metric Reports, you have the option to select "Total Practice" as a filter to view practice-wide trends across these metrics. Keep in mind, this view includes both your active, current clinicians as well past or inactive clinicians.