What can I do in the Completed Sessions report?

The Completed Sessions Report allows you to dig into completed sessions over time for your clinicians and your practice. Within this report, you have various filters to help customize your view.

Get the most out of Completed Sessions Report: 

  • Draw Quick Comparisons: Compare completed sessions across all clinicians, or group by location or supervisor teams to draw insights on productivity.
  • Celebrate High Performers:  Find the team members who are consistently meeting or exceeding expectations and may be deserving of a raise or bonus.
  • Prepare for Coaching Conversations: View a single clinician’s utilization over time to offer a more data-informed perspective in your next performance check-in.
  • Monitor Practice Growth: Select ‘Total Practice’ to monitor practice-wide session growth or decline over time. 
  • Manage caseloads: Easily identify gaps in utilization across your team, and consider adding to those caseloads. Keep an eye on staff that is consistently over utilized and may be at risk of burnout.

A few things to note: 

  • Within Reports, the colors within the bar chart do not reflect performance thresholds and are solely used to differentiate between people.