Exploring the Cancelation Report

The Cancelation Report allows you to dig into non-billable cancelations over time for your clinicians and your practice. Within this report, you have various filters to help customize your view.

Navigate the Cancelation Report with us:

Get the most out of the Cancelation Report : 

  • Draw Quick Comparisons: Compare cancelations  across all clinicians, or group by location or supervisor teams to draw holistic insights 
  • Celebrate High Performers:  Identify and congratulate the team members who are consistently maintaining low cancelations rates. Invite them to coach others within your team to follow similar strategies. 
  • Prepare for Coaching Conversations: View a single clinician’s cancel rate over time to prepare a more data-informed perspective in your next performance check in
  • Monitor Practice-wide Cancelations: Select ‘Total Practice’ to monitor practice-wide cancelations over time. 
  • Diagnose Specific Issues: Dig into the table to identify code-specific trends in cancelation that can be improved through coaching or better client communication.

A few things to note: 

  • Within Reports, the colors within the bar chart do not reflect performance thresholds and are solely used to differentiate between people.